
Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) can be used to centrally manage database users across the enterprise.

It allows us to manage roles and privileges across various databases registered with the directory.

Users connect to the database by providing credentials that are stored in Oracle Unified Directory, then the database executes LDAP search operations to query user specific authentication and authorization information.

This post does not cover the OUD installation.

Setup Steps

So, once the OUD has been installed the remaining steps are:

  1. Register the database into the OUD.
  2. Create global roles and global users into the database.
  3. Create groups and users into the OUD.
  4. Link OUD groups with databases roles.

Let’s setup.

Step 1: Register the database into the OUD

>$ cat $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/ldap.ora

>$ cat register_database_oud.ksh
dbca -silent -configureDatabase -sourceDB PBDT -registerWithDirService true -dirServiceUserName "cn=orcladmin" -dirServicePassword "bdtbdt" -walletPassword "monster123#"

>$ ksh ./register_database_oud.ksh
Preparing to Configure Database
6% complete
13% complete
66% complete
Completing Database Configuration
100% complete
Look at the log file "/u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/PBDT/PBDT20.log" for further details.

Step 2: Create global roles and global users into the database

SQL> !cat prepare_oud_users.sql
create role org_dba identified globally;
grant dba to org_dba;
create role org_connect identified globally;
grant create session to org_connect;
create user org_user identified globally;

SQL> @prepare_oud_users.sql

Role created.

Grant succeeded.

Role created.

Grant succeeded.

User created.

As you can see:

  • DBA has been granted to the ORG_DBA role.
  • CREATE SESSION has been granted to the ORG_CONNECT role.
  • The user ORG_USER has not been granted any privileges.

Step 3: Create groups and users into the OUD

As an example, a ldif file has been created to:

  • create 2 users: bdt_dba and bdt_connect.
  • create 2 groups: DBA_GROUP and CONNECT_GROUP.
  • assign bdt_dba to the DBA_GROUP and bdt_connect to the CONNECT_GROUP.
>$ cat newgroupsusers.ldif
dn: cn=groups,dc=bdt,dc=com
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: groupOfNames
cn: groups

dn: cn=users,dc=bdt,dc=com
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: groupOfNames
cn: users

dn: cn=bdt_connect,cn=users,dc=bdt,dc=com
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: bdt_connect
sn: bdt_connect
uid: bdt_connect
userpassword: bdtconnect

dn: cn=CONNECT_GROUP,cn=groups,dc=bdt,dc=com
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: groupOfNames
member: cn=bdt_connect,cn=users,dc=bdt,dc=com

dn: cn=bdt_dba,cn=users,dc=bdt,dc=com
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: person
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
cn: bdt_dba
sn: bdt_dba
uid: bdt_dba
userpassword: bdtdba

dn: cn=DBA_GROUP,cn=groups,dc=bdt,dc=com
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: groupOfNames
member: cn=bdt_dba,cn=users,dc=bdt,dc=com

and then launch:

$> cat create_ldap_groups_users.ksh
ldapadd -h oud -p 1389 -D "cn=orcladmin" -w bdtbdt -f ./newgroupsusers.ldif -v

$> ksh ./create_ldap_groups_users.ksh

So that the users and groups have been created into the OUD.

A graphical view of what has been done into the OUD (thanks to the Apache Directory Studio) is:

Screen Shot 2016-04-30 at 13.48.21

>$ ksh ./mapdb_ldap.ksh
+ echo 'Mapping User'
Mapping User
+ eusm createMapping database_name=PBDT realm_dn='dc=bdt,dc=com' map_type=SUBTREE map_dn='cn=users,dc=bdt,dc=com' schema=ORG_USER ldap_host=oud ldap_port=1389 ldap_user_dn='cn=orcladmin' ldap_user_password=bdtbdt
+ echo 'Create Enterprise role'
Create Enterprise role
+ eusm createRole enterprise_role=PBDT_dba_role domain_name=OracleDefaultDomain realm_dn='dc=bdt,dc=com' ldap_host=oud ldap_port=1389 ldap_user_dn='cn=orcladmin' ldap_user_password=bdtbdt
+ eusm createRole enterprise_role=PBDT_connect_role domain_name=OracleDefaultDomain realm_dn='dc=bdt,dc=com' ldap_host=oud ldap_port=1389 ldap_user_dn='cn=orcladmin' ldap_user_password=bdtbdt
+ echo 'Link Roles'
Link Roles
+ eusm addGlobalRole enterprise_role=PBDT_dba_role domain_name=OracleDefaultDomain realm_dn='dc=bdt,dc=com' database_name=PBDT global_role=ORG_DBA dbuser=system dbuser_password=bdtbdt dbconnect_string=dprima:1521:PBDT ldap_host=oud ldap_port=1389 ldap_user_dn='cn=orcladmin' ldap_user_password=bdtbdt
+ eusm addGlobalRole enterprise_role=PBDT_connect_role domain_name=OracleDefaultDomain realm_dn='dc=bdt,dc=com' database_name=PBDT global_role=ORG_CONNECT dbuser=system dbuser_password=bdtbdt dbconnect_string=dprima:1521:PBDT ldap_host=oud ldap_port=1389 ldap_user_dn='cn=orcladmin' ldap_user_password=bdtbdt
+ echo 'Grant Roles'
Grant Roles
+ eusm grantRole enterprise_role=PBDT_dba_role domain_name=OracleDefaultDomain realm_dn='dc=bdt,dc=com' group_dn='cn=DBA_GROUP,cn=groups,dc=bdt,dc=com' ldap_host=oud ldap_port=1389 ldap_user_dn='cn=orcladmin' ldap_user_password=bdtbdt
+ eusm grantRole enterprise_role=PBDT_connect_role domain_name=OracleDefaultDomain realm_dn='dc=bdt,dc=com' group_dn='cn=CONNECT_GROUP,cn=groups,dc=bdt,dc=com' ldap_host=oud ldap_port=1389 ldap_user_dn='cn=orcladmin' ldap_user_password=bdtbdt

So that, for this database only, there is a mapping between:

  • The database ORG_DBA role (created in step 2) and the OUD DBA_GROUP group (created in step 3).
  • The database ORG_CONNECT role (created in step 2) and the OUD CONNECT_GROUP group (created in step 3).

Authentication and authorization results:

You can view the result into this video:


As you can see:

  • There is no bdt_dba nor bdt_connect oracle users into the database.
  • I logged in with the bdt_dba OUD user, then was connected as ORG_USER into the database and have been able to query the dba_users view.
  • I logged in with the bdt_connect OUD user, then was connected as ORG_USER into the database and (as expected) have not been able to query the dba_users view due to the lack of permission.


Frank Van Bortel already covered this subject into this blog post.