
This post shows a way to compare the content of a PostgreSQL block from memory and from its related file. To achieve this goal we will use the pageinspect extension and pg_filedump.

Let’s compare

Find a dirty block

First of all, for this example, I want to be sure that I will be comparing a dirty block (means its content between the shared buffer and the file it belongs to differs).

A dirty block is a block that has been modified since the last checkpoint.

Let’s use the pg_buffercache extension to find a dirty block that belongs to the relation bdttab:

postgres=# select c.relname, b.relblocknumber, b.isdirty from pg_buffercache AS b, pg_class AS c where c.relfilenode = b.relfilenode and c.relname = 'bdttab' and isdirty is true;
 relname | relblocknumber | isdirty
 bdttab  |              1 | t
(1 row)

So the block number 1 is a dirty block, let’s compare its content from its file and memory.

Get the content from the relation file

To do so, let’s get its associated filepath that way:

postgres=# SELECT pg_relation_filepath('bdttab');

and then use pg_filedump that way:

$ ./pg_filedump -R 1 /home/postgres/pg/pg_installed/data/base/13580/32771

* PostgreSQL File/Block Formatted Dump Utility
* File: /home/postgres/pg/pg_installed/data/base/13580/32771
* Options used: -R 1

Block    1 ********************************************************
<Header> -----
 Block Offset: 0x00002000         Offsets: Lower      84 (0x0054)
 Block: Size 8192  Version    4            Upper    7592 (0x1da8)
 LSN:  logid      0 recoff 0x01951ae0      Special  8192 (0x2000)
 Items:   15                      Free Space: 7508
 Checksum: 0xc042  Prune XID: 0x00000000  Flags: 0x0000 ()
 Length (including item array): 84

<Data> -----
 Item   1 -- Length:   40  Offset: 8152 (0x1fd8)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   2 -- Length:   40  Offset: 8112 (0x1fb0)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   3 -- Length:   40  Offset: 8072 (0x1f88)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   4 -- Length:   40  Offset: 8032 (0x1f60)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   5 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7992 (0x1f38)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   6 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7952 (0x1f10)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   7 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7912 (0x1ee8)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   8 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7872 (0x1ec0)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   9 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7832 (0x1e98)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item  10 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7792 (0x1e70)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item  11 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7752 (0x1e48)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item  12 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7712 (0x1e20)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item  13 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7672 (0x1df8)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item  14 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7632 (0x1dd0)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item  15 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7592 (0x1da8)  Flags: NORMAL

*** End of Requested Range Encountered. Last Block Read: 1 ***

Now let’s get the information from memory (means from the shared buffer).

Get the content from memory

First, let’s dump the block from memory to a file thanks to the get_raw_page() pageinspect’s function that way:

$ psql postgres -tA -c "select encode(get_raw_page::bytea, 'hex') from get_raw_page('bdttab',1)" | xxd -r -p > bdttab_block_1.out

$ du -sh bdttab_block_1.out
8.0K    bdttab_block_1.out

As you can see the generated file size is 8K, which is the default PostgreSQL block size (that i did not change).

Now we can use the dumped block as the pg_filedump input that way:

$ ./pg_filedump ./bdttab_block_1.out

* PostgreSQL File/Block Formatted Dump Utility
* File: ./bdttab_block_1.out
* Options used: None

Block    0 ********************************************************
<Header> -----
 Block Offset: 0x00000000         Offsets: Lower      88 (0x0058)
 Block: Size 8192  Version    4            Upper    7552 (0x1d80)
 LSN:  logid      0 recoff 0x0197c9b0      Special  8192 (0x2000)
 Items:   16                      Free Space: 7464
 Checksum: 0xc042  Prune XID: 0x00000000  Flags: 0x0000 ()
 Length (including item array): 88

<Data> -----
 Item   1 -- Length:   40  Offset: 8152 (0x1fd8)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   2 -- Length:   40  Offset: 8112 (0x1fb0)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   3 -- Length:   40  Offset: 8072 (0x1f88)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   4 -- Length:   40  Offset: 8032 (0x1f60)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   5 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7992 (0x1f38)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   6 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7952 (0x1f10)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   7 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7912 (0x1ee8)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   8 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7872 (0x1ec0)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   9 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7832 (0x1e98)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item  10 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7792 (0x1e70)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item  11 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7752 (0x1e48)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item  12 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7712 (0x1e20)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item  13 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7672 (0x1df8)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item  14 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7632 (0x1dd0)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item  15 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7592 (0x1da8)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item  16 -- Length:   40  Offset: 7552 (0x1d80)  Flags: NORMAL

*** End of File Encountered. Last Block Read: 0 ***

As you can see, and as expected in this example as we choose a dirty block, the blocks coming from the shared buffer and from the file are different (among other things, there is one more item in memory).


Thanks to pageinspect and pg_filedump we have been able to compare a block content from memory and from the file it belongs to.