Well, suppose you are using ASM and it is servicing a lot of databases per machine. Suddenly the number of IOPS increased in such a way that your sysadmin/storage guy warn you up (I know this is not the real life, we are supposing ;-) ).

So I would like to find out which database(s) are responsible for this load. Of course I could connect on each database and check the oracle statistics but there is a simpler/faster way:  Extract this information from ASM.

Into a previous post ASM I/O Statistics Utility V2, I introduced a new feature of my asmiostat utility: ability to sort on reads or writes.

I just added a new sort option: iops (which is simply Reads/s+Writes/s).

Let’s see the help:

./real_time.pl -type=asmiostat -h

Usage: ./real_time.pl -type=asmiostat [-interval] [-count] [-inst] [-dbinst] [-dg] [-fg] [-ip] [-show] [-sort_field] [-help]
 Default Interval : 1 second.
 Default Count    : Unlimited

  Parameter         Comment                                                           Default
  ---------         -------                                                           -------
  -INST=            ALL - Show all Instance(s)                                        ALL
                    CURRENT - Show Current Instance
                    INSTANCE_NAME,... - choose Instance(s) to display

  -DBINST=          Database Instance to collect (Wildcard allowed)                   ALL
  -DG=              Diskgroup to collect (comma separated list)                       ALL
  -FG=              Failgroup to collect (comma separated list)                       ALL
  -IP=              IP (Exadata Cells) to collect (Wildcard allowed)                  ALL
  -SHOW=            What to show: inst,dbinst,fg|ip,dg,dsk (comma separated list)     DG
  -SORT_FIELD=      reads|writes|iops                                                 NONE

Example: ./real_time.pl -type=asmiostat
Example: ./real_time.pl -type=asmiostat -inst=+ASM1
Example: ./real_time.pl -type=asmiostat -dg=DATA -show=dg
Example: ./real_time.pl -type=asmiostat -dg=data -show=inst,dg,fg
Example: ./real_time.pl -type=asmiostat -show=dg,dsk
Example: ./real_time.pl -type=asmiostat -show=inst,dg,fg,dsk
Example: ./real_time.pl -type=asmiostat -interval=5 -count=3 -sort_field=iops

As you can see, we can now sort on iops.

Let’s now launch the script to retrieve the databases ordered by iops in real time:

  • Using -show=dbinst option as I want to see the databases.
  • Using -sort_field=iops option as I want to order by iops.
./real_time.pl -type=asmiostat -show=dbinst -sort_field=iops
Collecting 1 sec....
17:11:51                                                                             Kby      Avg       AvgBy/               Kby       Avg        AvgBy/
17:11:51   INST     DBINST        DG            FG            DSK          Reads/s   Read/s   ms/Read   Read      Writes/s   Write/s   ms/Write   Write
17:11:51   ------   -----------   -----------   -----------   ----------   -------   ------   -------   ------    ------     -------   --------   ------
17:11:51            IATEBDTO_1                                             575       63696    2.2       113434    56         896       1.9        16384
17:11:51            SMTBDTO_2                                              577       28816    1.1       51140     0          0         0.0        0
17:11:51            BDTO_1                                                 59        920      0.3       15967     30         464       1.7        15838  
17:11:51            BDTO_2                                                 3         48       0.6       16384     0          0         0.0        0      
17:11:51            BKP10GR2_1                                             2         32       0.0       16384     0          0         0.0        0      
17:11:51            JCAASM_1                                               2         32       0.9       16384     0          0         0.0        0      
17:11:51            MILASM_1                                               2         32       0.4       16384     0          0         0.0        0

As you can see the IATEBDTO_1 instance is the one that recorded the most physical IO activity (Reads/s + Writes/s) during the last second.

So we are able to find out quickly which databases are the most physical IO consumers in real time thanks to the ASM metrics.


  • This is real time information: the script takes a snapshot each second (default interval) from the gv$asm_disk_iostat (or gv$asm_disk_stat depending of the version) cumulative view and computes the delta with the previous snapshot.
  • You can display the database instances (show=dbinst) as of 11gr1 (as it is based on the gv$asm_disk_iostat view).
  • You can also find out which host is the most responsible for the physical IO thanks to the show=inst option (as it will display the ASM instances) (if not a 12c Flex ASM).
  • You can also find out which diskgroup is the most responsible for the physical IO thanks to the show=dg option.
  • You can also find out…. (I let you finish the sentence following your needs: failgroups, disks, databases per diskgroup… as the asmiostat utility output is customizable (see this post).
  • You can download the asmiostat utility (which is part of the real_time.pl script) from this repository.

UPDATE: The asmiostat utility is not part of the real_time.pl script anymore. A new utility called asm_metrics.pl has been created. See “ASM metrics are a gold mine. Welcome to asm_metrics.pl, a new utility to extract and to manipulate them in real time” for more information.