In a previous post (see In-Memory Instance distribution with RAC databases: I want at least one instance that contains all the data) I provided a way to get rid of the default In-Memory Instance distribution on a RAC (non CDB) database.
To summarize:
- Thanks to the hidden parameter “_inmemory_auto_distribute” we are able to change the way the In-Memory Column Store are populated by default on an oracle RAC database.
- By default all objects populated into memory will be distributed across all of the IM column stores in the cluster.
- With “_inmemory_auto_distribute” set to false, then we are able to populate one instance (or all the instances) with all the data.
Now, let’s have a look at the In-Memory distribution on a Multitenant RAC database and let’s check if we can influence (get rid of the default behaviour) how the In-Memory is distributed across all the Instances per PDB.
By default the IMCS distribution for a PDB is the following:
First case: The PDB is open on one Instance only:
SYS@CDB$ROOT> alter pluggable database BDTPDB open instances=('BDT12c3_1');
Pluggable database altered.
-- Now connect to the BDTPDB PDB as bdt/bdt
SYS@CDB$ROOT> @connect_user_pdb.sql
Enter value for user: bdt
Enter value for pwd: bdt
Enter value for pdb: BDTPDB
-- Let's enable the inmemory attribute on the BDT table
BDT@BDTPDB> alter table bdt inmemory ;
Table altered.
-- Trigger the IMCS population
BDT@BDTPDB> select count(*) from bdt;
-- check the distribution
BDT@BDTPDB> SELECT s.inst_id,,s.populate_status, s.inmemory_size, s.bytes, s.bytes_not_populated
FROM gv$im_user_segments s, v$pdbs c
WHERE s.segment_name = 'BDT'
and c.con_id=s.con_id;
---------- ------------------------------ --------- ------------- ---------- -------------------
1 BDTPDB COMPLETED 695074816 1879048192 0
As you can see the Instance 1 contains all the data for this PDB (as BYTES_NOT_POPULATED=0)
Second case: The PDB is open on all the Instances:
-- Open the BDTPDB PDB on all instances
SYS@CDB$ROOT> alter pluggable database BDTPDB open instances=all;
Pluggable database altered.
-- Now connect to the BDTPDB PDB as bdt/bdt
SYS@CDB$ROOT> @connect_user_pdb.sql
Enter value for user: bdt
Enter value for pwd: bdt
Enter value for pdb: BDTPDB
-- Let's enable the inmemory attribute on the BDT table
BDT@BDTPDB> alter table bdt inmemory ;
Table altered.
-- Trigger the IMCS population
BDT@BDTPDB> select count(*) from bdt;
-- check the distribution
BDT@BDTPDB> SELECT s.inst_id,,s.populate_status, s.inmemory_size, s.bytes, s.bytes_not_populated
FROM gv$im_user_segments s, v$pdbs c
WHERE s.segment_name = 'BDT'
and c.con_id=s.con_id;
---------- ------------------------------ --------- ------------- ---------- -------------------
1 BDTPDB COMPLETED 376307712 1879048192 802889728
2 BDTPDB COMPLETED 298909696 1879048192 1006559232
We can see that (for this PDB), by default, no instance contains all data as the BYTES_NOT_POPULATED column is greater than 0.
Now let’s set the hidden parameter “_inmemory_auto_distribute” to false (at the PDB level):
BDT@BDTPDB> alter system set "_inmemory_auto_distribute"=false;
alter system set "_inmemory_auto_distribute"=false
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-65040: operation not allowed from within a pluggable database
So, we can’t set this hidden parameter at the PDB level.
Ok, let’s set it at the CDB level:
SYS@CDB$ROOT> alter system set "_inmemory_auto_distribute"=false;
System altered.
then re-trigger the population on instance 1 (for this PDB) and check the distribution:
SYS@CDB$ROOT> @connect_user_pdb.sql
Enter value for user: bdt
Enter value for pwd: bdt
Enter value for pdb: BDTPDB
BDT@BDTPDB> select count(*) from bdt;
BDT@BDTPDB> SELECT s.inst_id,,s.populate_status, s.inmemory_size, s.bytes, s.bytes_not_populated
FROM gv$im_user_segments s, v$pdbs c
WHERE s.segment_name = 'BDT'
and c.con_id=s.con_id;
---------- ------------------------------ --------- ------------- ---------- -------------------
2 BDTPDB COMPLETED 297861120 1879048192 1006559232
1 BDTPDB COMPLETED 675151872 1879048192 0
BINGO! Look at the Instance 1, it now contains all the data in its IMCS (as BYTES_NOT_POPULATED=0) for this PDB.
If I connect on the Instance 2 (for this PDB) and launch the query to trigger the population, I’ll get:
---------- ------------------------------ --------- ------------- ---------- -------------------
1 BDTPDB COMPLETED 675151872 1879048192 0
2 BDTPDB COMPLETED 672006144 1879048192 0
So, **both instances now contain all the data for this PDB.
- As I said into the previous post: I used an hidden parameter, so you should get oracle support approval to use it.
- I guess (because I can’t test) that in a Multitenant and Engineered Systems context it is also possible to have all the data appear in the IM column store on every node for a PDB (thanks to the duplicate attribute): As Christian Antognini show us into this blog post for non CDB.
The conclusion is the same than in my previous post (with non CDB):
- Thanks to the hidden parameter “_inmemory_auto_distribute” we are able to change the way the In-Memory Column Store are populated by default on an oracle RAC database.
- By default all objects populated into memory will be distributed across all of the IM column stores in the cluster.
- With “_inmemory_auto_distribute” set to false, then we are able to populate one instance (or all the instances) with all the data.
And we can add that:
- If the PDB is open on one instance only then this instance contains all the data.
- If the PDB is open on all the instances then we have to set “_inmemory_auto_distribute” to false to have at least one instance that contains all the data.
- Each PDB population will behave the same (distributed or not) and inherit from the CDB setting (As we can not set the hidden parameter at the PDB level).